What Is Subject-Verb Agreement Give an Example

Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical concept that is essential for clear and effective communication. It refers to the agreement or correspondence between the subject of a sentence and its verb. In simpler terms, the verb must agree with the subject in terms of number, person, and tense. Let`s take a closer look at this concept and some examples.


The first aspect of subject-verb agreement is the number. The subject of a sentence can either be singular or plural, and the verb must agree with it in the same way.

Example 1: The dog barks loudly at night. (singular)

Example 2: The dogs bark loudly at night. (plural)


The second aspect of subject-verb agreement is the person. The subject can be in the first person (I, we), the second person (you), or the third person (he, she, it, they).

Example 1: I am studying for my exams. (first person singular)

Example 2: They are going on vacation next week. (third person plural)


The last aspect of subject-verb agreement is the tense. The verb must match the tense of the subject to show the correct timeline of the action or event.

Example 1: She sings beautifully. (present tense)

Example 2: He sang a song yesterday. (past tense)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an important grammatical concept that ensures clear and effective communication. It consists of three aspects — number, person, and tense — that must agree with the subject of a sentence. By understanding and applying these principles, you can improve the quality of your writing and avoid common grammatical errors.